A bit more about microwaves and microwave recipes: Popcorn, the favorite snack of millions of Americans. Can cause a potentially fatal health condition known as popcorn workers’ lung, an alarmed public is discovering. Best Microwave Oven Repair Services in Leicester a love of microwave buttered popcorn caused a relatively healthy 53-year-old American to develop severe breathing problems.
- The cause of his illness was tracked down to the microwave popcorn
- He loved so much that he would inhale steam from the bag as it came out of the oven.
- The link between the man’s illness and popcorn was established by Dr Cecil Rose.
- Who had been dealing with popcorn workers’ lung for years as a consultant to the food industry.
- “I said to him this is a very weird question but bear with me, are you around a lot of popcorn?” “His jaw dropped,’ she told The New York Times,
“Dr Rose found levels of diacetyl in the man’s Colorado home after he made the snack were similar to those in microwave popcorn plants. She put him on a microwave popcorn-free diet. Six months after his diagnosis. The man has lost 50lb and his lung function has improved. Synthetic butter or diacetyl inhaled as a vapour has damaged or destroyed the lungs of hundreds of workers in the food industry.
Microwave Repair
In this day and age, a microwave oven is a standard appliance in most kitchens. While some people simply use their microwave to re-heat food occasionally or cook a TV dinner, Best Microwave Oven Repair Services in Leicester others use their microwave to cook entire meals for their family. If you are planning on doing a large amount of microwave cooking, you will need to make sure you have microwave safe cookware to cook your meals in.
- When shopping for microwave safe cookware, there are a few things that you should consider.
- Will you be using your cookware often? If so, then you will want to put out the extra money to purchase high quality microwave safe cookware that will last a long time.
- While the initial investment may seem a bit much at first.
- Purchasing high quality cookware will prevent you from having to continually keep purchasing it.
The size and shape
Your microwave safe cookware should also be taken into consideration. If you have a small microwave oven, you will of course want to purchase cookware that will fit properly into your oven. If your oven has a turntable inside, purchase cookware that will be able to turn freely, without bumping the sides of the oven.
For best results when cooking, Best Microwave Oven Repair Services in Leicester purchase microwave safe cookware that is round or oval rather than square or rectangle. Round or oval cookware tends to allow the food to cook more evenly and prevent hot spots from occurring. Furthermore, microwave cookware will work more effectively if the containers are shallow rather than deep. So if you can find round or oval shallow containers that are of high quality, you would be best off purchasing these containers.
Before purchasing any cookware to use in the microwave, be sure to thoroughly read the label and examine the container. Does the label specifically state that the container is safe for microwave use? Best Microwave Oven Repair Services in Leicester are there any metal parts to the container? If there are metal parts to the container, you should not purchase it. Additionally, if the label does not specifically state the product is microwave safe. You should not purchase it to use in the microwave.