All applicants should make it a habit to read newspapers on a daily basis, paying attention to current events. Reading newspapers on a daily basis in order to be aware of day-to-day events happening around the country and around the world helps in improving ones knowledge about national and international current affairs. When casually reading the newspapers. It is mainly to learn all about the socio-economic and political events that happened the day before. Which may impact on our everyday lives. When you read the newspaper proactively, you are taking time to think about the subject matter at hand. Both in terms of its history and future implications.
In addition, a person needs to make very short notes while daily reading a newspaper. This would help in picking the correct articles/issues from the paper. Avoiding the ones that are not relevant to your examination-going mindset. By answering questions and writing the practice tests, it helps you in memorizing and recollecting information that you learned about the ongoing events in the newspaper, as well as prepares you for the final exams online reviews. It will also cut down the time spent in newspapers because you will know what articles to read and what articles to skip. With clarity in concepts, you will find it really easy to get through the newspapers with lesser time. Only then you can make the most out of your newspaper reading.
Rather, just stick to 1 paper as your studying will be more concentrated. And will help you in saving your most valuable asset which is time. The importance of reading newspapers for UPSC preparation cannot be stressed enough. IAS candidates must read the newspapers mentioned above, recommended to all UPSC candidates.
One must begin by thoroughly reading at least one of the Standard newspapers such as The Hindu or The Indian Express. Preparation becomes cumbersome task for many due to immense content available in the field of Current Affairs — dailies, updates from the PIB, day-by-day summaries from online sources such as Insights, Bjyus, RSTV Debate. The monthly magazines from coaching institutes, to name few. It must involve newspaper reading, internet-based daily news summaries, reviewing last weeks current affairs, and perhaps quick reviews of any monthly compilation on current affairs for improving ones current affairs knowledge.
Although, you need to consistently read and review notes to ensure you memorize the current affairs. And perform it properly on your exams. Another important technique to remembering current affairs is you must make a story out of the information that you have read. So you can memorize it over an extended period. When articles about the same subject are read several times, the data eventually sticks in your mind.
Often watching the news channels may also help you in getting ready with current affairs. Regularly reading newspapers will equip you with crucial facts, figures. And information which can be used to support your views in the GD, interview, or essay/WAT. Do not read newspapers that give page-3 info, slick, gossipy stuff, as it has no chance of helping you prepare.