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How To Fix a Water-Damaged Phone?

Although most modern phones are now advertised as water-resistant, this does not always guarantee that they are completely resistant to water damage, which is an increasingly prevalent issue. According to recent research, up to 25% of smartphone users have damaged their devices by sloshing around liquids.

Whether your phone has been exposed to rain, fallen in the toilet, or received a cup of tea on it, liquids may cause heavy harm. After drying your phone, you might notice poor sound quality, water trapped in the camera lens, rust, water beneath the screen, charging difficulties, or worse. So, can a wet smartphone be repaired? Or will you need to buy a new device?

In this post, we’ll address these concerns as well as what you can do at home to fix the problem and, if you can’t, how much phone water damage repair costs with IMFixed.

Can water-damaged phones be repaired?

Yes, water damaged phone repairs are feasible in most cases. Water-damaged lphones are a growing problem for smartphone users, and while smartphones become more waterproof, you may encounter difficulties if you drop them into a deep puddle.

Water-damaged devices are now able to be fixed by manufacturers and repair businesses, which is a good thing because it’s such a prevalent problem. Water damage is not covered under any of Apple’s limited one-year or apple care + warranties, so they will charge an upcharge to repair your device.

Fortunately, Apple has recognized how common a problem it is in recent years, and if your device is manufactured after 2006, you will be able to tell if water damage has occurred. Your iPhone will come with a Liquid Contact Indicator that indicates whether or not it’s been exposed to water. If you open the SIM card tray gently, you’ll be able to see whether the LCI has been activated. The indicator will usually appear white but will be red if your phone has been damaged by water.

How can I get my wet phone to work again?

Many people keep their phones with them at all times, and if their phone gets wet, it might seem like the end of the world. However, a spill in the washing machine or bath does not necessarily mean doom. If you have responded to the situation by getting your phone back from the water as quickly as possible, there is still hope. There are a few things you can do to help your smartphone recover from this tragedy.

We’ve put up a list of what you should not do in order to achieve the greatest result if your phone isn’t working.

If your phone has been exposed to water and subsequently switched off, the first thing you should do is never attempt to switch it on. The greatest thing you can do is leave your device off since turning it on while wet might harm it.

Although it may be easy, don’t shake or blow on your phone to remove the water. Water might be seen in your charging port, but blowing on it may simply push the water deeper into your device and create more difficulties.

Turn off your phone by removing the battery or pressing and holding the power button. If you are not shutting down your device, do not press any other buttons since this might inadvertently push water further into it.

Don’t put your phone on a radiator, in the oven, or under a hairdryer to speed up the drying process. This may appear to be a quick method to get rid of water from your phone, but extreme heat might cause internal and external damage as well as allow water to spread further inside.

Even if you detect water inside your phone, do not attempt to disassemble it. Not only are you putting your phone in danger, but any warranty or insurance coverage you have might be voided. The less you try to fix it yourself, the better the result will be.

How to Repair a Wet Phone

Now that you know what you should not do with a wet phone, we’ll go through the things you can try to repair it yourself. While we always advise consulting a professional, attempting to minimize the damage by acting promptly is never a bad idea. In certain situations, these measures may be enough to drain away extra water and protect the internal components from harm.

Remove any protective casing, sim card, and battery from your phone once it has been switched off. The internal components should be dried out as soon as possible.

If possible, place your device on a towel or similar material to avoid leaving it visibly wet. To absorb any remaining liquid, use a soft, absorbent cloth. Paper towels or other absorbent fabrics are preferable since they won’t risk pushing water deeper into the gadget.

Many individuals believe that putting a phone in a bag of dry, uncooked rice is a hoax, but it can assist drain away any excess liquid. If possible, tucking your device and the rice into a plastic food bag and leaving it overnight to absorb the moisture might be quite beneficial.

Blowing air on the gadget is not suggested, but using a vacuum to remove water is acceptable. If you’ve discovered a lot of liquid in the charging port or speakers, sucking it out with vacuuming may be beneficial.

We all miss our phones when they are taken away, but to get the best possible result following water damage, we always advise waiting at least 48 hours before turning it back on.

If you are able to power your phone back on, keep an eye on how it performs over the following days and weeks. You’ll want to test different features like as the camera, touchscreen, and speakers to see how they respond.

If the liquid works its way inside your phone, corrosion may start to form and it will become less functional. In this scenario, you should back up your contacts, photos, and other important data in case your phone begins to malfunction.

If your phone still won’t turn on after 48 hours, try charging it for a while. If your phone doesn’t start up after leaving it to charge for a sufficient amount of time, you’ll probably have to seek professional assistance from a company like Imfixed.

If you have a water damaged phone, we always recommend consulting with a professional to see if it may be restored. Our team at Imfixed is delighted to provide a free diagnostic checkup to determine the condition of your device and the degree of the water damage. In most situations, it will just require minor repairs on specific components that we will detail in our report to you.

Why not get in touch with our team at ImFixed now if you believe your iPhone has been water damaged? Our courteous and informed staff will be more than happy to help you, and they’ll even guarantee all work for a year.

Contact IMFixed today

ImFixed is proud to offer every customer a fast, friendly, professional and reliable service every time. You can book in any device for water damage repairs today using their website. Simply select the brand, model, and repair needed and add it to your basket-it’s that simple!

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